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Brand Guideline For a Cosmetics Brand.

This cosmetic brand project undertaken for my school project involved developing comprehensive guidelines for its rebranding process. I meticulously crafted various elements such as the brand designs, including ID cards, billboards, thank you cards, face caps, hoodies, and stationery, as well as designs for the company bus. Throughout this endeavor, I utilized software tools such as InDesign for report creation, Adobe Photoshop for designing brand assets, and Adobe Illustrator for crafting the brand logo. Additionally, I ensured the brand's online presence across platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This project exemplifies my proficiency in utilizing design software and strategic thinking to execute comprehensive branding initiatives.

Upon closer examination of this brand, you will observe my deliberate utilization of personal branding in its marketing strategies. Notably, my image is prominently featured across various mediums, including office billboards and product packaging such as bags. This strategic incorporation underscores a personalized approach to brand promotion, aiming to establish a strong connection between the audience and the brand identity.

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